Yesterday I had an opportunity to play my first two games of W-Wing Second Edition thanks to an invite from my friend, Ralph. In both games I played a 105 point Rebel Alliance Squad consisting of two Z-95 Headhunters and one Y-Wing fighter/bomber.
I learned quite a bit about flying my ships around (and into) asteroids and space junk. Overall I believe I did a fair job of keeping my ships out of harms way and working on getting opponents' ships in my sights for a fleeting shot. It is a fast paced and fun game system to play.
In the first game, I paired up with AJ and his list of an Rz-1 A-Wing, and Wedge Antilles and his X-Wing. This gave us five small ships. We faced two players (Rob and Mike). Rob's list was simple - a Resistance Bomber fully tricked out and Mike flew a Scum and Villainy list of a YV-666 light freighter and a Kihraxz Fighter. We played a full 75-minutes in game time. The game was very close and came down to us losing two shields on one of our Z-95's which meant we lost 1/2 of a ship. We didn't cause a half-ship worth of damage to any of their ships so they won the game in a Technical decision.
Here are a couple of photos I took during my first game:
Ralph prepares his 200 point list for a face-off with Bob O. |
Mike and Rob plot their next rebellious scumy next move! |
And the scrum begins! If only AJ and I could roll some hits! |
In the second game, I paired up with Rob O. He ran a list of a Fenn Rau Fang Fighter and Black Sun Soldier Z-95. We were fighting that YV-666 light freighter/Kihraxz Fighter list along with a 3 x Tie Fighter list with Howlrunner as their leader.
This second fight went well but I was so into preparing my movement dial and trying to decide who to shot next, I forgot to take any pictures! Oh well, maybe next time.
As always when playing with the guys in the club, it was a wonderful evening of leaving my worries behind, laughing and enjoying a great new game system! What a wonderful way to spend a Friday evening - if I'm not going to be with my lovely bride. I look forward to many more adventures in the X-Wing galaxies!