Sunday, June 30, 2019

Bood Red Skies Premiere at the New Aldernest Gaming Cafe Location

Our friend Gordon and his lovely bride, Denise, have moved their super hobby store from Western Manchester, NH to a new location in the great town of Merrimack, NH.  The new diggs are a 1000% improvement over the Manchester location.  Store size and location as well as parking, location, etc. are all vastly superior to the former store.

I stopped by the store this afternoon and got to host a game and play a game of Blood Red Skies.  It was an excellent time!

Here are some photos of the action in the game that I played in.

Hurricanes engage a Do-17Z.

German close escort take on the attackers!

The German bombers on their way to the target!

The jig is up as Top Cover descends on the attackers!

It was a great game with one German bomber shot down for the loss of one Hurricane.  The British were driven off, but a second German bomber was a 'probable' with an engine shot out and several crew down.  The target would not get a bad pasting!  So, as the British player I claim a moral victory even though I lost in game terms!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Initiation to X-Wings Edition 2

Yesterday I had an opportunity to play my first two games of W-Wing Second Edition thanks to an invite from my friend, Ralph.  In both games I played a 105 point Rebel Alliance Squad consisting of two Z-95 Headhunters and one Y-Wing fighter/bomber.

I learned quite a bit about flying my ships around (and into) asteroids and space junk.  Overall I believe I did a fair job of keeping my ships out of harms way and working on getting opponents' ships in my sights for a fleeting shot.  It is a fast paced and fun game system to play.

In the first game, I paired up with AJ and his list of an Rz-1 A-Wing, and Wedge Antilles and his X-Wing.  This gave us five small ships.  We faced two players (Rob and Mike).  Rob's list was simple - a Resistance Bomber fully tricked out and Mike flew a Scum and Villainy list of a YV-666 light freighter and a Kihraxz Fighter.  We played a full 75-minutes in game time.  The game was very close and came down to us losing two shields on one of our Z-95's which meant we lost 1/2 of a ship.  We didn't cause a half-ship worth of damage to any of their ships so they won the game in a Technical decision.

Here are a couple of photos I took during my first game:

Ralph prepares his 200 point list for a face-off with Bob O.

Mike and Rob plot their next rebellious scumy next move!

And the scrum begins!  If only AJ and I could roll some hits!

In the second game, I paired up with Rob O. He ran a list of a Fenn Rau Fang Fighter and Black Sun Soldier Z-95.  We were fighting that YV-666 light freighter/Kihraxz Fighter list along with a 3 x Tie Fighter list with Howlrunner as their leader.

This second fight went well but I was so into preparing my movement dial and trying to decide who to shot next, I forgot to take any pictures!  Oh well, maybe next time.

As always when playing with the guys in the club, it was a wonderful evening of leaving my worries behind, laughing and enjoying a great new game system!  What a wonderful way to spend a Friday evening - if I'm not going to be with my lovely bride.  I look forward to many more adventures in the X-Wing galaxies!