Had a really good time at Ed's house yesterday playing a game of Volley & Bayonet in Wing Scale. They rules have been used in our club for many years and they really have passed the test of time. We tweak them, but in many cases we return to the base rules when something different does not work out.
The scenario we played was the Hungarian Uprising against the Austrians in 1848. Ed has become quite the expert on the time period. He has researched and painted an extensive set of forces for both sides and the armies are a sight to behold! The scenario we played was challenging for both sides and ended up being well balanced.
I played one of the Hungarian divisional commanders. My forces consisted of three balanced brigades of two infantry battalions, a light infantry battalion and a squadron of cavalry. My mission was to defend two ridge lines in front of a town that we had to defend. If the Austrians could take our town under fire, we would lose the game. Large numbers of Austrians under George and Ralph attacked my positions and eventually wore my units down. I had to give ground but I was reinforced by another division similar to mine under Charlie and we ended up holding the line. Meanwhile, Byron entered the table on our right flank and crashed into Mike C. scattering his units and making for the Austrian town which were tasked with taking under fire. Due to Byron's ferocious attack, we ended up squeaking out a victory. Here are some photos of the game with Ed's great terrain and even better Hungarian and Austrian armies of 1848.
The first attacks from George come in. Note that I established a reverse slope defense in the hopes of staying away from Austrian artillery fire and a coordinated charge. |
My initial dispositions with Charlie as the last line of defense. |
Heavy pressure on my center number one. George and Mike had a well coordinated attack |
Heavy pressure on my center number two. |
The Austrian juggernaut pushes us back. |
The Austrian are forced to react to Byron's attack from our right and Ralph and George pull back to save their town. The Hungarians are victorious! |
Overall, I had a great time and being with good people over the fields of friendly strife is always a great way to spend the day. Thanks to Ed for an excellent game!
1 comment:
Excellent report, Mark, and well played game. Looking forward to running the next one!
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