Tuesday, March 20, 2018

New Buildings in the Collection

I have added some relly nice buildings from Cresent Root to the collections. They are very detailed, nicely painted and best of all they come all assembled. Out of the box and they are ready to put on the table!  As I get older, I am willing to pay the little extra to have things ready for gaming!

Here are some photos of the buildings as I unwrapped them.

Here are all of the buildings that I bought in this order.  It will make a very nice small town.  One and two story buildings and even a couple of destroyed buildings.

A small compound with house and workshop.  The gate even open and close.

The two-story buildings are really nice.  One of them has an attached outbuilding.

The two-story buildings can be fitted with a  destroyed top story.  The destroyed buildings can be used individually or can be used to replace building(s) in the compound shown above.

I highly recommend any of the Cresent Root line of buildings.  Some might consider them pricey, however, you really get great buildings for the price.


Ed M said...

Love Crescent Root buildings! Their business model, though, can be a problem. Things will sometimes only be available for a short time before being discontinued: 15mm European buildings, for instance, haven't been available for several years now (wish I had known that when I was picking them up), and the 28mm stuff has gone through several cycles. So the word to the wise is to take the plunge and load up on what they have when it's available.

Mark Decoteau said...

Exactly what made me get all of these buildings in one order. Gordon noticed that the buildings that he has (mostly larger, commercial types) are no longer available. I'm debating getting the Mideast buildings for my Foreign Legion/desert stuff. It really looks great!